VOA: 疫情后的就业市场

来源:未知  时间:2020-09-28


Lay-offs, cut hours, unpaid leave and unknown job prospects. Since the coronavirus pandemic hit the U.S, over 40 millions of Americans have filed unemployment claims, but some benefited from the crisis already in mid-march. The largest online retailer Amazon announced its plans to hire an additional a hundred thousand people. A lot of other places are looking for delivery drivers and grocery stores are in constant need of employees. We have gone to a mobile world. We all are shopping online, will buy online, and I think that's probably going to continue. I don't think people are going to be anxious to get out to the stores anytime soon. They've learned the convenience for that. So I think ecommerce is really going to continue to grow and that means more jobs are in industry. Experts say after the pandemic is over, the demand for medical workers will also rise dramatically, as more and more private companies want to have an in-house doctor, and some are even forming medical departments. Rising demand is also predicted for cleaning services. The rising volume of online transactions and work from home, will lead to the need for more IT and high tech specialists. According to Paul McDonald,senior executive director of a large management consulting company Robert Halfsuch skills as coding, data analysis as well as knowledge in the sphere of e-commerce and banking will become increasingly sought after. Technical support that goes along with that in those individuals, those remote workforce as well, so remote technical support, as I mentioned, data privacy and security, highly valued, business continuity experts in the tech arena, so that's technology.


In the banking world we've seen the demand for mortgage processors just pick up during this pandemic. Rates are still low, therefore mortgage refinancing andis still very active. We've also seen loan processors be very much in demand. The pandemic imposed work routine will also affect the post covered job market. According to the research by the Gallup management consulting company, about 60 percent of Americans worked at home during the pandemic, and over half of them would like to do it after the pandemic is over. New avenues for people who need that type of flexibility, so people with young children, people with disabilities or chronic illness, these type of folks who have been trying to get flexible work space for a long long time, and have kind of run-up against a wall and employers resisting that, and now suddenly in when we in the face of a pandemic. We suddenly realized "oh, well,maybe we can do it!" Remote work can be beneficial not only to employees but also to the employers, say experts. In that case the job market will soon enter a true globalization phase. If you have remote workforce,it creates an opportunity for you to recruit people wherever they may be. You're not bound by geography. You may be based in New York City and you could have workers in Kansas City that are working for you. The whole idea of corporate culture will go through a lot of change after the pandemic. For millions of people around the world, a few months merge the idea of an office, classroom and home in one, and for many it might just stay that way. For Goteadie Goodson Washington Anna Rice VOA news



1.sought after 受欢迎的,紧俏的


His work is much sought after by collectors.




2.job market 就业市场


They have joined the job market at the worst possible time






