
来源:未知  时间:2020-07-16

1. 如何询问客户是经销商,还是终端客户。询问客户性质,一般可以用以下的句型提问:

A. What kind of business do you handle? Are you self-employed, manager or a business owner? 

B. Can you please let us know your company details?

C. May I know your business scope please? 

D. Please advise you purchase it for yourself or for your clients? 

E. Are you the manufacturer or distributor?


self-employed 个体经营

business scope经营范围

2. 在每次报价后可以附上下列表达:

A. We look forward to your patronage

B. We cherish your patronage.

C. We look forward to welcoming you as our customer.


①patronage 惠顾

②continued support and patronage 一如既往的支持和惠顾

3. I have attached a detailed product catalogue to this email. It contains specifications and pricesfor your perusal. 邮件附上详细的产品目录,包含产品详情和价格,请你过目。

①表达附件含有什么的句型:I have attached sth. to this email. 或者可以说Please find attached sth.  /  Please find sth. as attached.

②for your perusal 请你过目 = for your review 

4. Please feel assured that we will give you the best discount. 请放心,我们一定给您提供我们所能给的最大折扣。

①feel assured that 确信...  please feel assured that 请放心...引导从句

②give sb. the best discount 给予某人最优折扣

5. We guarantee both our quality and on time delivery of shipments,and our prices stay very competitive in the market. 我们的质量和交货期都是有保障的,价格方面在市场上也是非常有竞争力的。


①both...and ..和.. 用于肯定句

②on time delivery of shipments 准时的交货期

③stay competitive 保持竞争力的,表示状态。stay代替be动词,显得生动点。

6.  I will send you the tailor-made offervery soon. 我会很快给您发一个适合您的报价。

①tailor-made 量身定做的,在这里引申为适合的

②very soon很快,不久

7. We're in a position to accept small quantity order. 我们接受小定量订单。

be in a position to... 可以做某事

8. We look forward to the opportunity of being of service of you.

look forward to+doing/sth. 渴望收到

②be of service of sb. 为某人服务

9. If we can be of any further helpplease let us know.


① be of help=helpful 乐意帮助的

② please let us know 在和客户/上级沟通的时候,直接的please let us know 即可,不必要please feel free to let us know. 显得很不严谨和唐突。

10. We find the quality suitable for your market. 产品质量符合你们的市场。

①find sth. +adj. 形容词 表示发现什么怎样
②suitable for 适合

11. We send you a brochure on the various kinds of bicycle now available for exportyour inquiry is welcome. 


①various 各种各样的 = a variety of

② available for export 固定搭配,可供出口的

12. A catalog has been airmailed to you already.


airmail 空邮

类似的词汇可以用dispatch by courier来表示寄送

13. Any items listed in the catalog you get interested in, please let us know.目录中任何你感兴趣的产品,都可以告知我们。

listed in the catalog 短语后置作定语修饰any items 表明目录中列及到的产品。比If you get interested in any items listed in the catalog会更加精炼